Tuesday, 8 November 2022



Recruitment is the process of attracting and encouraging potential employees to apply for a position in the organization, while selection is the process of making relevant valuations of the strengths and weaknesses of applicants (Boxall & Purcell 2008; Breaugh & Starke 2000).Organizations need to attract and retain individuals with high Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Intelligence Quotient (IQ) who can respond efficiently to this rapidly changing global environment (Segal et al., 2019). There are individuals who are a liability to the organization than an asset since they do not contribute to the accomplishments of the organization. Four main components have been used to categorize traditional recruiting outcomes: job pursuit intents, organizational attractiveness, acceptance intentions, and job choice (Chapman, Uggerslev, Carroll, Piasentin, & Jones, 2005).

Figure 1 - Individual differences and perception

Source: (Bach, 2009)

Figure 1 - There are differences between individuals which influence their ability to perform a particular job and for most jobs it is the physiological differences between people. These factors may influence how people behave and cope with the demand of a specific job role (Bach, 2009). 

Hiring competent people is a vital part and this is dependent on the recruitment and selection process which aim to ‘select’ the right individual and ‘reject’ the wrong one. A poor recruitment choice can cost an employer an amount equivalent to 30% of the employee’s first-year earning potential. From company to company, different people will be responsible for hiring. In a small business, the manager hiring his or her own personnel may be the most feasible course of action (Hacker, 1997).

To attract more and better talent to apply for positions within the firm, the recruitment strategy required to be organized and realistic. The hiring strategy aids in creating a characteristic position on the employment market (Pulakos, 2005).Even though they are not in a unique position, every organization wants to hire the greatest staff. The majority of job seekers favor the companies that appeal to them. The company sets itself apart from rivals thanks to its clever recruitment technique. The alternative recruitment strategy encourages the organization's innovation on the labor market (Bach, 2009).

Targeting the best candidates for hiring strategy (Newman and Lyon, 2009):

  • Performance level required: various approaches are needed to concentrate on hiring high performing individuals and ordinary performing prospects.
  • Required level of experience: what amount of experience the company requires should be clearly stated in the planning. The experience of the applicant can range from that of a novice to that of a seasoned professional.
  • Application categories include those from the same industry, those from another, those who are unemployed, those who perform at the top of their field.

   It should come as no surprise that several meta-analyses have looked at the reliability of various selection processes in connection to job performance. In a study by Oh et al. (2011), the validity of observer assessments of personality traits was examined in connection to total job performance using meta-analytic methods. They discovered that the validity of the five-factor model (FFM) traits based on observer ratings was higher than that of the FFM traits based on self-reported ratings (Oh et al. ,2011). Shaffer and Postlethwaite (2012) made a distinction between work-specific or contextualized and non-contextualized measures of personality in their meta-analysis and discovered that contextualized measures of personality had higher validity. Additionally, they looked at the validity of conscientiousness in particular and discovered that it was significantly correlated with performance in extremely routine tasks, but not as strongly in jobs that demanded high levels of creativity (Shaffer and Postlethwaite, 2012).

     Phillips and Gully (2015) distinguish strategic recruiting from traditional recruitment by defining it as a collection of hiring techniques that are in line with organizational traits, objectives, business strategy, and context and are interconnected at several levels of analysis. In terms of the a) inputs, b) systems, policies, and practices, and c) results of the hiring process, their conceptual model suggests a number of aspects at the individual, team, and organizational levels of analysis (Phillips and Gully, 2015).

    Employee recommendation, or using current employees' social networks to propose new hiring, produces better pre-hire results than using job advertisements for applicant recruiting. Additionally, referral-based hires had a superior retention rate than those who were hired through other channels (Breaugh, 2013).

    Future studies on selection and recruiting must examine a variety of demographic issues relating to aging, diversity, and gender (Ployhart et al., 2017). 


Bach, S. (2009). Managing Human Resources: Personnel Management in Transition. (online) Google Books. John Wiley & Sons. Available at: https://books.google.lk/books?hl=en&lr=&id=WruDYHuqoTYC&oi=fnd&pg=PA115&dq=abilities (Accessed 21 Nov. 2022).

Boxall, P. & Purcell, J. 2008. Strategy and human resource management. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Breaugh, J. A. (2013). Employee Recruitment. Annual Review of Psychology, 64(1), 389–416.

Breaugh, J.A. and Starke, M. (2000). Research on Employee Recruitment: So Many Studies, So Many Remaining Questions. Journal of Management, [online] 26(3), pp.405–434. doi:10.1177/014920630002600303.

Chapman, D.S., Uggerslev, K.L., Carroll, S.A., Piasentin, K.A. & Jones, D.A. (2005). Applicant attraction to organizations and job choice: A meta-analytic review of the correlates of recruiting outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90, 928–944.

Compton, R.L. (2009). Effective Recruitment and Selection Practices. (online) Google Books. CCH Australia Limited. Available at: <https://books.google.lk/books?hl=en&lr=&id=ndwp9W6TYi4C&oi=fnd&pg=PA1&dq=recruitment+and+selection+research+paper&ots=Id6OyXzV-C&sig=-PYS7afNmdzl5baEYBDkCV2kEbI&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false > (Accessed 7th November 2022).

Hacker, C. 1997, ‘The costs of poor hiring decisions and how to avoid them’, HR Focus, 74:10, S13. (Accessed 26 Oct. 2022)

Newman, D. A., & Lyon, J. S. (2009). Recruitment efforts to reduce adverse impact: Targeted recruiting for personality, cognitive ability, and diversity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94(2), 298–317

Oh, I.-S., Wang, G., & Mount, M. K. (2011). Validity of observer ratings of the five-factor model of personality traits: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 96(4), 762–773.

Phillips, J. M., & Gully, S. M. (2015). Multilevel and strategic recruiting: Where have we been, where can we go from here?. Journal of Management, 41 (5), 1416–1445.

Ployhart, R. E., Schmitt, N., & Tippins, N. T. (2017). Solving the supreme problem: 100 years of selection and recruitment at the journal of applied psychology. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(3), 291–304.

Pulakos, E. (2005). Selection Assessment Methods A guide to implementing formal assessments to build a high-quality workforce. (online) Available at: https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/trends-and-forecasting/special-reports-and-expert-views/documents/selection-assessment-methods.pdf. >(accessed on 22nd November 2022)

Segal, J., Smith, M., Robinson, L. and Shubin, J. (2019). Improving Emotional Intelligence (EQ). (online)HelpGuide.org. Available at: <https://www.helpguide.org/articles/mental-health/emotional-intelligence-eq.htm.> (Accessed on 2nd November 2022)

Shaffer, J. A., & Postlethwaite, B. E. (2012). A matter of context: A meta-analytic investigation of the relative validity of contextualized and noncontextualized personality measures. Personnel Psychology, 65(3), 445–494.


  1. Great beginning Ranga, adding another point, according to Beer et al, (1984) recruitment and selection policies and practices can be perceived as integral. Recruitment and selection not only seek to attract, obtain, and retain the human resources the organization needs to achieve the strategic goals, but may also have significant impact upon the composition of the workforce, the ultimate fit with the organization's needs and culture, and upon long-range employment stability

    1. Thank you for your comment Chathuri. The concept of fairness is emphasized by Adams' (1963) Equity Theory. In accordance with the tenets of equity theory, the organization's ideal hiring and selection standards are those that demonstrate the firm's commitment to equal opportunity (Adams, 1963).

  2. Good Introduction Ranga, according to (Hamza, 2021), a thorough recruiting and selection procedure can ensure an organization's productivity and consistency of performance as well as help further shape employee behavior and attitude.Because employees recognize organizational needs and strive to meet them, effective recruitment and selection strategies greatly affect organizational performance and development (Anand, 2018).

    1. Thank you for your comment Azhar. The resource-based view states that businesses should constantly assess their workforce to ensure they have the right people in the right positions with the right skills to maintain a competitive advantage. If this is not the case, businesses should make up for the shortfall by using appropriate recruitment and selection criteria (Barney, 2001).

  3. Great Introduction Ranga, I agreed the content and to add furthermore, according to Armstrong, Recruitment is the process of finding and engaging the people the organization needs. Selection is that part of the recruitment process concerned with deciding which applicants or candidates should be appointed to jobs (Armstrong, 2014).

    1. Thank you for your comment Sanath. Furthermore, According to Sparrow et al. (2002), most businesses may buy technology and capital at any moment for a fee, but it is difficult to find a ready pool of highly trained and motivated workers. Therefore, firms must be extremely careful during the recruitment and selection processes if they want to stand out from the competition (Sparrow et al., 2002).

  4. Recruitment and selection plays a major role in deciding the future of companies as it is selecting it's own building blocks. Both recruitment and selection are interconnected. Recruitment is identifying eligible and talented candidates from a pool of candidates. Whereas selection is the picking up of candidates for the right job profile by analysing their talent and the requirement of job. Every company should Mandatorily have a structured process for the recruitment of candidates which decides the success and failure of company.

    1. Thank you for your comment Uday. Employee selection, according to Etomi (2002), focuses on selecting the best individuals from the applicant pool that can most effectively fill organizational employment demands. It is also the process which reduces the number of recruits to the select few who get appointed (Etomi, 2002).

  5. I agree with your content and i would like to add that (Kumar & Gupta, 2015) recruitment is important because in creates a talent pool of potential candidates which will be beneficial to the company. It also increases the pool of job seeking candidates at minimum cost while increasing the success rate of selection process of selection process by decreasing the number of visits qualified or overqualified job applicants.

  6. Thank you for your comment Joel. Furthermore, In order to recruit individuals in various employment positions, the firms need to publish advertisements in newspapers and on the websites. In the adverts, they need to clearly state in terms of the occupations and what qualifications and skills are necessary on the part of the candidates. The primary elements that must be taken into account while luring candidates are educational credentials, work experience, skills and knowledge, physical characteristics, communication abilities, and personality features. The advertising are viewed by the applicants (Kapur, 2020).

  7. Agreed on the content, further, The hiring process, which is handled by HR, is the first step in giving the association a recruiting and competitive advantage. Finding and choosing a competent or eligible candidate to fill an available position is called recruitment (Anwar & Abdullah, 2021). These practices or regulations are designed to improve organizational effectiveness, employee satisfaction, and product quality.

    1. Employers give the recruitment and selection processes considerable thought when job openings occur within the organizations. Employers are able to identify and analyze the roles that must be filled in order to reach the intended goals and objectives thanks to these processes. Unfilled positions within organizations indicate a shortage of human resources, and these are seen as obstacles to carrying out duties and achieving goals and objectives. Therefore, the value of these processes is acknowledged when there are open positions, regardless of whether they happen quickly or take some time (Kapur, 2018).
