Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Recruitment sources


Recruitment approaches can lead to differences in the success of recruiting efforts since they all have their advantages and disadvantages. According to sociological terms, labour market can be defined as primary and secondary. Full time or long term employment can be categorized as primary market and the secondary market narrates to those in part time, casual or temporary work  (Sims, 2002; Russo, Gorter, Nijkamp & Rietveld, 1997).

Another way of looking at labour market is on geographical basis. Some labour is inhibited for economic or other reasons to the locality whilst ‘career’ jobs have tended to operate on national market (Martin and Morrison, 2003).

Figure 1 – Sources of recruitment

Source (Randhawa, 2007).

Figure 1 indicates the internal and external sources of recruitment. 

·         Internal

Internal sources of recruitment means hiring people within the organizations to fulfill a vacant position. An organization can hire internal candidates through succession planning, through job posting or rehiring staff. Promotion is another internal source which means change position with higher responsibilities, compensations and other benefits.  Transfer means shifting of an employee to a similar position but rank, salary and other benefits may stay the same. Promotions and transfers are excellent ways to keep the current workforce motivated. They can, however, also lead to conflict, particularly if the position is highly sought for. There are many things that could go wrong and create a hostile work environment, including employees objecting, refusing to work, or having resentment over a promotion that they may believe was unfair to them (Randhawa, 2007).

·         External

This source is typically utilized to conduct recruitment for entry-level jobs and skilled positions. Recruiters promote available positions and invite qualified candidates for interviews when hiring from outside the firm. Finding employees with the necessary talents and the ability to integrate into the company's culture is the employer's obligation. External recruitment allows the employer to have access to a larger pool of candidates. There may be numerous possible hazards to take into account, even while employing people from outside the company means allowing in new ideas and skill sets. Even the top external candidates might not fully comprehend the business and culture of the company (Sims, 2002).

It might be highly expensive to advertise a job listing on numerous platforms. Employer may get the most exposure on these platforms by using the premium services. By focusing on specialist forums, can also increase results while spending less money. In conclusion, internal hiring has the following benefits: a more thorough screening of candidates; shorter training periods; deemed quicker than external hiring; less expensive confirmation; and most importantly, it inspires present workers. However, it also has the drawback of producing vacancies, which can inhibit political diversity and lead to a candidate scarcity (Mohammad, 2020).

On the other hand, the benefits of external employment, which he characterized as enhancing diversity and facilitating growth. It can also provide time for training and is also seen to be able to address new challenges.  However, embracing external employment has drawbacks that are expensive and perceived as being slower than employment. The process might produce less reliable information on the candidates, and it might prevent people from moving higher in society (Bernardin & Russell 2013).

The company I work for is in the health care sector, and they use HRIS to boost internal recruitment. With HRIS, prospective employees may submit their applications and resumes electronically, saving money on printing costs and facilitating a far more structured hiring process. HRIS can be configured to allow applications from only qualified candidates, which can save managers countless hours of application screening time. Using an HRIS to hire could draw in more qualified candidates within the organization who are accustomed to using technology. All relevant managers and HR staff can readily assess a resume and online application at the same time after they have been filed. Since there is no need for the information to be distributed throughout the company, this could hasten the hiring process. Using HRIS for recruitment makes even more sense if department heads are dispersed throughout different regions such as Laboratories established in different locations island-wide.


Abdalla, P., Othman, B., Gardi, B., Sorguli, S., Mahmood Aziz, H., Ahmed, S., Sabir, Y., Burhan, N., Ali, J. and Anwar, G. (2021). Recruitment and Selection: The Relationship between Recruitment and Selection with Organizational Performance. International journal of Engineering, Business and Management (IJEBM), (online) 5(3), pp.2456–8678. Available at:< https://aipublications.com/uploads/issue_files/1IJEBM-MAY20213-Recruitment.pdf.> (accessed on 2nd November 2022).

Bernardin, H.J., dan Russell, J.E.A. (2013). Human resource management: an experiential approach. 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Education

External Recruitment Methods | Freshteam. (online) Available at: <https://www.freshworks.com/hrms/recruitment/external-recruitment/#:~:text=When%20companies%20recruit%20candidates%20who.>(Accessed on 2nd November).

Martin, R. and Morrison, P.S. (2003). Geographies of Labour Market Inequality. (online) Google Books. Routledge. Available at: <https://books.google.lk/books?id=fH5-kVkIYM4C&pg=PA4&dq=labour+market+is+on+geographical+basis&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwia8s-8g7_7AhXlSmwGHYTuC8YQ6AF6BAgBEAI#v=onepage&q=labour%20market%20is%20on%20geographical%20basis&f=false >(Accessed 21st November 2022).

Mohammad, A. (2020). (PDF) A Review of recruitment and selection process. (online) ResearchGate. Available at: <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341787517_A_Review_of_recruitment_and_selection_process> (Accessed on 7th November 2022).

Randhawa, G. (2007). Human Resource Management. [online] Google Books. Atlantic Publishers & Dist. Available at:< https://books.google.lk/books?id=MmYiX5JxPY8C&pg=PA70&dq=Internal+sources+of+recruitment&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjAzd_r_777AhX1cGwGHZYnBusQ6AF6BAgBEAI#v=onepage&q=Internal%20sources%20of%20recruitment&f=false > (Accessed 21 November 2022).

Russo, G. Gorter, C., Nijkamp, P. & Rietveld, P. 1997. ‘Employers recruitment behaviour: An empirical analysis of the role of personnel management attitudes’, Labour, 11(3):599-623.

Sims, R.R. (2002). Organizational Success Through Effective Human Resources Management. (online) Google Books. Greenwood Publishing Group. Available at: <https://books.google.lk/books?id=B7JZ3D7WU80C&pg=PA115&dq=Internal+sources+of+recruitment&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjAzd_r_777AhX1cGwGHZYnBusQ6AF6BAgGEAI#v=onepage&q=Internal%20sources%20of%20recruitment&f=false>  (Accessed 21 November 2022).


  1. Hi Ranga, totally agreed with the content of your blog post, adding to your content, Internal recruitment is cost efficient, to support employee satisfaction and moral. Spend some time in the recruitment or Encourage current employees before looking outside the company for talent (Abdullah &Rahman, 2015).
    On the other hand, external recruitment in some case it is useful and beneficially like bringing new candidates it brings new skills and new idea for your company but in some case, it has disadvantage like less experiencing because new employee will take too much time to learn rules and points on their job (Anwar & Abdullah, 2021).

    1. France and the United States had exceptionally well-developed internal labor markets, whereas Germany and the United Kingdom were dominated by occupational markets. But the way that human resource management is done has evolved over the previous 20 years. Internal labor markets have been severely destabilized in particular, while external flexibility, which used to be a feature of the occupational model, has expanded to an as-yet-unknown level (Caroli, 2007).

  2. Agreed with you Ranga. The source through which job seekers receive employment information is one of the key factors that might influence their initial attraction (Zottoli & Wanous 2000).

    1. Thank you for your comment Manodya. Furthermore, An organization's recruitment strategy may include hiring from both internal and external sources. It is a significant factor that has an impact on the hiring process. It defines the goals of recruitment and offers a structure for putting recruitment initiatives into action (Kapur, 2018).
