Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Selection Techniques

In order to get the applicants to join the organization, they can often lead applicants to believe only the advantages rather than accurate view of the organizational culture in (Cable, Aiman-Smith, Mulvey and Edwards, 2000). 

The selector should have a clear understanding of the requirements; drawing up the PERSON- specification can be a useful indicator. A traditional approach to developing the PERSON- specification is for the company to recognize the requirements of the candidate and pay attention to qualifications, skills and experience (Roberts, 1997).

Using the competencies framework is beneficial to think in terms of (Roberts, 1997)

  • The natural competencies  -  personality characteristics of the candidate
  • The acquired competencies -education level, job-related qualification, appropriate experience
  • The adapting competencies - paying attention to the series of experience the candidate has applied through his/her career

                                               Figure 1 - Selection process


Source: (Roberts, 1997).

Figure 1 illustrates the selection process.The steps taken to choose someone who is qualified to fill a current or future job position are referred to as the selection process.

Job analysis, together with the ensuing job descriptions and person specifications, has a significant bearing on the selection and hiring, performance management, job evaluation, compensation, training and development, career management, and occupational health processes. The vacant position must first be clarified in order to determine how to fill it or what kind of individual would be needed to fill it. Once the vacant post has been identified, the job description and job requirements must be updated. Job analysis is a methodical procedure for determining the individual activities, duties, and expected outcomes of the position as well as the knowledge, competencies, skills, and abilities needed to perform each of these duties effectively (Roberts, 1997).

The practical result of a job analysis is a job description, which is typically a written statement that outlines the duties, responsibilities, and tasks of a position as well as the results of the work and the working environment (Brannick, Levine and Morgeson, 2007).

A person specification is frequently included with job postings, outlining the precise qualifications and personal traits needed to succeed in the positio (Deb, 2006). Advertising the offer in the appropriate location is one of the initial hiring stages to discovering applicants who meet the requirements. The best venue for connecting with job searchers, according to several businesses, is on specialist job boards. Others decide to advertise their offer on posters, newspapers, or radio, or through their website. Social networking is a fantastic tool to employ as well while promoting your job postings (Roberts, 1997).

To properly conduct the selecting process, numerous steps must be followed. Research indicated the following often employed techniques: (MUSTAPHA, Adeniyi Mudashiru, 2013):

·       Initial or preliminary interview: This interview is often only a few minutes long and is intended to filter those who are obviously unqualified.

·    References: The goal of the reference check is to confirm the accuracy of the information provided on the application blank and to learn more about the applicants' past behavior.

·     Interviewing: Of all the selection techniques, interviews are arguably the most popular. When employed as a means of evaluation, interviewing carries a significant amount of subjectivity and, as a result, is unreliable. Any applicant must appear for an interview in order to be hired or given a job offer by any firm (which is the selection process).

An employer typically uses a job interview to determine a candidate's suitability for the position. However, how the procedure is handled will probably have an effect on the interviewee's perception of the company and the open position (Odeku, 2015).

The interview process (Maloney and Hall, n.d.):

1.     Interview Preparation

·         Review the job description 

·         Review the applicant's application form, resume, and any other pertinent documents     you may have

·         Choose whether the interview will be performed by a single person or a team of individuals

·         Create a list of interview questions

2.    Setting the Tone

·         Be punctual

·         Select a room with suitable tables and seats and avoid disruptions

·         Make the candidate feel comfortable

·         Establish a welcoming, carefree environment 

·         Give the applicant background information, such as the job description and mission statement

·         Give yourself enough time for the interview and, if necessary, a brief facility tour

3.    General Interview Format

·         Ask the pre-planned questions, focusing on the applicant's suitability for the position

·         Fill out the interview scoring form and note any positive or negative aspects

·         After the interview, give yourself time to review the notes

·         Keep everything structured and accessible for use in making the final selection

·         Check references on finalists using a list of questions, and follow up on any candidate queries that were not addressed during the interview

4.    Legal vs. Discriminatory Questions

·         Ask non-discriminatory questions 

·         Concentrate on the requirements of the job

5.    Closing the Interview

·         Thank the applicant for the time and interest in the position

·         Communicate any next steps to the applicant

·         Use the data you've acquired to reach a conclusion

·         Make the position offer to the best applicant

·         Complete any remaining negotiations

·         Appropriately and promptly notify the other applicants of your choice

Assessment methods:

There are many instances of companies using one or more of the following instruments for internal selection, external selection, or both, even though some assessment methods (such as cognitive ability tests, personality tests, and integrity tests) are more frequently employed for external selection (Pulakos, 2005):

Cognitive ability test- These tests evaluate a range of cognitive skills, including verbal, mathematical, and reading comprehension aptitude.Cognitive aptitude tests are commonly employed in the selection process for a wide variety of jobs since they have been demonstrated to be exceptionally useful predictors of work success.

Job Knowledge Tests - These tests evaluate the essential knowledge areas required to carry out a profession well. The knowledge areas assessed typically reflect technical knowledge. When applicants must already be familiar with a body of knowledge in order to be hired, job knowledge exams are utilized.

Personality Tests- It has been demonstrated that personality assessments that look at characteristics related to job performance are good indicators of future job performance. Conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, openness to experience, and emotional stability are the personality traits that are most frequently evaluated in professional settings.

 Integrity Tests- Integrity evaluations gauge a person's views and experiences relating to their sincerity, dependability, and reliability. Integrity exams frequently have a multiple-choice style and are given using a paper-and-pencil instrument or a computer, just like many of the tests listed here.

Assessment Centers - A particular kind of work sample test called an assessment center is designed to evaluate higher-level managerial and supervisory competencies.

Work Sample Tests- Work sample exams include tasks or activities that are similar to the ones that workers must complete on the job.

  Situational Judgment Tests- Situational judgment tests expose potential employees with circumstances they might face in the workplace along with appropriate solutions.

    Physical Fitness Tests- Some selection processes involve the use of physical fitness testing. In order to evaluate a candidate's overall fitness, strength, endurance, or other physical characteristics necessary to execute the job, these tests ask candidates to engage in general physical activities.

The supervisor's approval is the final step. After following the stages indicated, the candidate who has so far completed all of them satisfactorily should be hired. A third interview is done at this stage of the procedure. (MUSTAPHA, Adeniyi Mudashiru, 2013)

The company I work for is in the health care sector and choose candidates who will not only perform well academically but also who have qualities and values appropriate for a career in medicine, such as empathy, communication, integrity  and interpersonal skills. Academic criteria are typically utilized as the foundation for initial shortlisting decisions along with personal statements, references, aptitude tests, or a mix of all three, and an interview is typically conducted as the last step in the selection process.  


Bach, S. (2009). Managing Human Resources: Personnel Management in Transition. (online) Google Books. John Wiley & Sons. <https://books.google.lk/books?hl=en&lr=&id=WruDYHuqoTYC&oi=fnd&pg=PA115&dq=recruitment+and+selection+research+paper&ots=__A6qYxYgb&sig=YdgHGgWRUuyq7l9P7t2VNPk-ymE&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=recruitment%20and%20selection%20research%20paper&f=false> (Accessed on 26th Oct 2022).

Brannick, M.T., Levine, E.L. and Morgeson, F.P. (2007). Job and Work Analysis: Methods, Research, and Applications for Human Resource Management. (online) Google Books. SAGE. Available at: <https://books.google.lk/books?id=g7m1xrZnHxwC&printsec=frontcover&dq=The+practical+result+of+a+job+analysis+is+a+job+description&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwihvpzlhb_7AhWfTmwGHXcFDVMQ6AF6BAgJEAI#v=onepage&q=The%20practical%20result%20of%20a%20job%20analysis%20is%20a%20job%20description&f=false > (Accessed 21 Nov. 2022).

Cable, D.M, Aiman-Smith, L., Mulvey, P.W. & Edwards, J.E. 2000. ‘The sources and accuracy of job applicants’ beliefs about organization culture’, Academy of Management Journal, 43(6):1076-1085.

Corporate Finance Institute. (n.d.). Labor Market. (online) Available at: <https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/economics/labor-market/.>(accessed on 7th November 2022).

 Deb, T. (2006). Strategic Approach to Human Resource Management. (online) Google Books. Atlantic Publishers & Dist. Available at:<https://books.google.lk/books?id=cv8D0-_4IpAC&pg=PA116&dq=job+specification&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjSjOPzhr_7AhXLT2wGHWRrBS0Q6AF6BAgNEAI#v=onepage&q=job%20specification&f=false >(Accessed 21 November 2022).

HrHelpboard. (n.d.). Effective Recruitment Strategies Plan and Practice for Hiring Best Employee. (online] Available at:<https://www.hrhelpboard.com/recruitment/recruitment-strategies.htm.>(8th November 2022).

Maloney, T. and Hall, W. (n.d.). EMPLOYEE RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION: HOW TO HIRE THE RIGHT PEOPLE. (online) Available at: <https://www.uvm.edu/sites/default/files/employee_recruit.pdf.> (Accessed on 25th November 2022).

MUSTAPHA, Adeniyi Mudashiru, ILESANMI, O.A. and AREMU, M. (2013). The Impacts of well Planned Recruitment and Selection Process on Corporate Performance in Nigerian Banking Industry (A Case Study of First Bank Plc 2004-2011). IJARBSS, [online] 3(9). doi:10.6007/ijarbss/v3-i9/251.

Odeku, K.O. (2015). The role of interviewers in job effective recruitment and selection processes. (online) ResearchGate. Available at: <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/311551477_The_role_of_interviewers_in_job_effective_recruitment_and_selection_pro >(Accessed on 25th November 2022).

Pulakos, E. (2005). Selection Assessment Methods A guide to implementing formal assessments to build a high-quality workforce. (online) Available at:<https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/trends-and-forecasting/special-reports-and-expert-views/documents/selection-assessment-methods.pdf.>(Accessed on 21st November 2022).

Roberts, G. (1997). Recruitment and Selection. (online) Google Books. CIPD Publishing. Available at: <https://books.google.lk/books?hl=en&lr=&id=937PxbuNcecC&oi=fnd&pg=PA1&dq=recruitment+and+selection+pdf&ots=8zwPyw7M7U&sig=mF3VF_PRODgdFOSp5-vMZzVXfVM&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=recruitment%20and%20selection%20pdf&f=false > (Accessed 27 October 2022).

StudySmarter UK. (n.d.). Recruitment And Selection: Overview | StudySmarter Originals. (online) Available at:<https://www.studysmarter.co.uk/explanations/business-studies/human-resources/recruitment-and-selection/.> (Accessed on 16th November 2022).



  1. Agreed with the content. In addition, the quality of every institution's human resource strengths and capabilities depends on the HR management function of recruiting and choosing. The cornerstone of HRM activities, recruitment and selection activities are vital to the success of enterprises. Organizations invest funds and resources to design policies and procedures for their successful execution to achieve business goals because they understand how crucial they are to the success and survival of organizations (McDowall & Saunders 2010).

    1. Thank you for your comment Prabuddha. According to management literature, an organization's recruitment and selection practices can be crucial in helping it hire people with a variety of skills (Rees and Smith, 2017). Some research have examined how the selection process mediates the relationship between the effectiveness of hiring procedures and organizational competitiveness. The study's findings demonstrated that using the right recruitment and selection methods can help a business obtain a competitive advantage. In order to choose appropriate techniques of recruiting and selection, HR managers and directors must pay particular attention (Ahmad and Schroeder, 2002).

  2. Good article Ranga, The rapid growth in technology has brought many changes in each department of organization (Awang et. al, 2013). Many companies are adopting the modern techniques for recruitment & selection process to find the best suitable candidates (Ensher et. al, 2003). According to Bartram (2000), in the modern world, the recruitment activities are incomplete without the word of “internet”. It was in mid 1990s the internet recruitment tools first emerged. Many large & small organisations use internet recruiting in the current context & are becoming a favored medium of both employers and job-seekers (Dhamija, 2012). ‘The Internet has caused the largest change to the recruitment landscape in the past decade acting as a conduit between employers and job seekers’ (Barber, 2006)

    1. Thank you for your comment Layanjalie. Use of the data on business portals, where applicants are given the opportunity to present their abilities and qualifications, is one of the potential ways to look for a job online. Employees establish a network of professional contacts and share experiences there. The candidate's profile on these websites typically includes details about their previous roles, current employers, the range of tasks they will be performing, as well as information about their education, training, and courses.
      These services also permit the involvement of other users in the presentation of a specific individual. Users can actively contribute to the development of a candidate's profile by verifying their qualifications, writing reviews and articles, and sharing relevant resources (Tomczak, 2016; Czajka, 2019).

  3. Agreed with your content Ranga and adding furthermore, The challenge in selection of candidates lies on the fit element between what the applicant can and wants to do against the organization’s needs. It is more difficult to possibly tell exactly what the interviewee (applicant) really can and wants to do. The fit between the two aspects of both on the side of the person and the organization shall determine the willingness for both the employer and the employee to accept placement (Charles & Florah, 2021).

    1. Thank you for your comment Sachini. The evidence that is currently available suggests that hiring and selection practices and business performance are positively and significantly correlated (Gamage, 2014). For instance, Sang (2005) found a link between hiring and selection practices and firm performance (Sang, 2005).

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Agreed with your content Ranga, Recruitment is described as a series of operations undertaken by a company in order to attract the attention of job seekers who possess the skills required to assist the organization in achieving its objectives and goals (Othman et al. 2019). Examining the requirements of employment, attracting individuals to that occupation, screening and selecting candidates, contracting, and coordinating the new employee to the organization are all part of the recruitment process (Khan & Abdullah, 2019). Furthermore, the HR department is in charge of finding the finest qualified candidate for the position that an organization requires (Othman et al. 2019).

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you for your comment Christeena. Privacy is a crucial prerequisite for any interview. This is to avoid third parties having information of the conversation between the candidate and the interviewer during interviews.
      Although the interview includes a social element, it is also a business meeting. If an office is used for the interview it might be important to consider tidiness, locations of desks and chairs, as well as barring the telephone and turning off the personal computer. Privacy includes avoidance of disturbances and visual distractions (Humphrey, 2010).

  6. Good & descriptive article Ranga. Organizations invest funds and resources to design policies and procedures for their successful execution to achieve business goals because they understand how crucial they are to the success and survival of organizations (McDowall & Saunders 2010). Because employees recognize organizational needs and strive to meet them, effective recruitment and selection strategies greatly affect organizational performance and development (Anand, 2018).

  7. Good & Descriptive article Ranga. Because employees recognize organizational needs and strive to meet them, effective recruitment and selection strategies greatly affect organizational performance and development (Anand, 2018). Many companies are adopting the modern techniques for recruitment & selection process to find the best suitable candidates (Ensher et. al, 2003).

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you for your comment Miyuru. Identifying sources of recruiting is a significant stage in the course of the recruitment process. Recruitment sources both internal and exterior, while most employ both sources, increasing the likelihood of recruiting prospects as well as prepared and competitive (Muscalu, 2015).
